Products - Pasteli
“Pasteli” is a Greek traditional sweet prepared from sesame and honey.
Both major components (sesame and honey) are natural products with significant nutritional value, offering valuable health benefits.
“Pasteli” is considered the Greek "energy bar", as it is “tonic”, and a good source of vitamin E and many minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron etc.
It is consumed throughout the year, but mostly in the fasting periods because it covers potential nutritional gaps that can be created by abstaining from animal products.
The story starts from antiquity. The honey and sesame were components of the diet of the ancient Greeks, who had devised various dishes to exploit. Pasteli, mentions Homer in the Iliad with the 'Idris' name, meaning cake with honey and sesame, that Greeks ate in order to have strength and face war's suffering.
Herodotus has also referred to “Pasteli” in the 5th century BC as well as Aristophanes.
Towards the end of the 20th century, “Pasteli” in Greece was packaged with pretty soft texture (soft-boiled). Today we can find “Pasteli” in the market in various forms (soft-boiled, crunchy) or with combinations of nuts (almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc.)
The basic preparation of “Pasteli” is as follows: honey is boiled in a special shallow pan with a large surface and when it starts to boil they skim it. When honey gets thick enough, sesame is added with constant stirring to prevent sticking of the mixture. When cooking is finished, the mixture is spread on marble or on special canvas smeared with sweet wine or almond oil. It is molded and cut into pieces when the mixture is cool enough. Of course, the recipe varies by region.
Due to the fact that "Pasteli" is made of two ingredients, the preparation process is simple. The secret of success lies in the quality and the mixing ratio of the two material (honey and sesame), as well as in the good “bonding” between them.
The nutritional value of “Pasteli” is significant.
Among others, “Pasteli” is a good source of vitamin E, contains fat mainly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated contributing to cardiovascular health, it is a good source of calcium, which is essential for bone health, potassium cares blood phosphorus pressure needed for the formation and bone health and iron is important for production of red blood cells, for metabolism etc.
“Pasteli” is in the list of products with high nutritional value and worth mentioning that according to researches, “Pasteli” excels in amounts of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and dietary fiber, in comparison with other various snacks.“Pasteli” is rich in nutrients and energy, and it should be incorporated into the daily nutrition of children and adults.