Products - Gold Edition Products
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A delicatessen product which combines the salutary qualities, the greatness, the richness and the timeless value of the gold 22K with the light colored, nutrient and flavored blossom honey of the Golden Pangaion Mountain.
Origin: Greek (Amfipoli - Northern Greece)
HONEY WITH 22K EDIBLE GOLD 250gr / 8.81 fl oz

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HONEY WITH MASTIC & 22K EDIBLE GOLD 250gr / 8.81 fl oz
Our Company commited to its customers, presents them a delicatessen product, the honey with Chios mastic gum (mastiha). The product combines in harmony the scents of the Greek islands with the aromatic honey of the mythic Pangaion Mountains.
Origin: Greek (Amfipoli - Northern Greece)
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A dark colored honey, thick and tasteful, collected from the pine trees of the Pangaion Hills, which are part of the trandiotional Greek landscape and the Mediterranean region.
Origin: Greek (Amfipoli - Northern Greece)

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HONEY WITH ROSES & 22K EDIBLE GOLD 250gr / 10.93 fl oz

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BLOSSOM HONEY WITH 22K EDIBLE GOLD 250gr / 10.93 fl oz
Rumor is spread that this variety of honey had nourished Alexander the Great. The honey stands out for its fine scent and rich nutritional value. According to the Greek mythology it inspired the musician Orpheus who has conquered Evridiki by playning his harp.
Origin: Greek (Amfipoli - Northern Greece)
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TAHINI HONEY 250gr / 10.93 fl oz
A product that combines the traditional honey, which is produced from the abundant plant life of the Pangaion Mountains with the aromatic and nutrient ingredients of the whole grain sesame, after it has been baked and grinded in the traditional Greek manner.A
Origin: Greek (Amfipoli - Northern Greece)

WALNUT HONEY 250gr / 10.93 fl oz
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A honey that combines the salutary qualities of the honey and the walnuts, which offer body and mind vigor. The walnuts are collected from the excellent quality walnut trees which flourish in the leafy Pangion Mountain.
Origin: Greek (Amfipoli - Northern Greece)

HONEY WITH ALMOND 250gr / 10.93 fl oz
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A honey that combines the salutary qualities of the honey with that of the almonds, which are rich in antioxidants and cancer fighting properties. the almonds are produced in abundance from the vast amount of almond trees cultivated by the local producers.
Origin: Greek (Amfipoli - Northern Greece)

A local traditional product which combines yhe organic features anf the therapeutic or medical qualities of honey and rose, which suggest a symbol of Orphism. Rodolivos town, whereas the beekeeping of the Amfipolis region is based, in the Greek language means a field of roses and took its name after the roses. The connection of the town with cultivation of the roses is famous since the era of Alexander the Great. It is also used as an excellent cosmetic.
Origin: Greek (Amfipoli - Northern Greece)

RAKOMELO WITH 22K EDIBLE GOLD 500ml / 16.91 fl oz
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he Rakomelo we produce is characterized by its golden color, rich aroma and clarity.
The exceptional quality of honey, tsipouro and the variety of aromatic and medicinal herbs and plants of Greek nature, combined with the technique we use, leads to a delicious and aromatic alcoholic beverage, drunk pleasantly at any time, either on its own or aromatizing your creations.
The therapeutic herbs we use for its production make it a good remedy, along with hot drinks for winter colds.
Origin: Greek (Amfipoli - Northern Greece)